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On Coffee



Truly Great Coffee

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Pour-over Coffee 


International Housewares Show in Chicago, multiple vendors featured electric kettles with adjustable temperature controls, filtered coffee systems, and electric coffee makers offering barista-quality coffee. One of the most promising products at the show was the KitchenAid Pour Over Coffee Brewer that claims to marry the benefits of pour over with the ease and consistency of an electric drip coffee maker. Pour over coffee is undergoing a resurgence in the US, as this manual brewing method expands beyond speciality coffee shops in big cities such as Chicago, New York, and Portland, Oregon into smaller cities, housewares retailers, and speciality supermarkets. Coffee shops, appliance makers, and retailers are tapping into Americans’ desire for better tasting coffee by promoting the pour over method. This trend is expected to intensify in the at-home market in the years to come.

Why Ethical
Coffee Matters 


 Today, Starbucks announced that they've reached a point where 99 percent of their coffee beans are now ethically sourced, the result of a fifteen-year program with Conservation International (CI). To do this, the company and CI worked up an internal standard, the Coffee and Farmer Equity (C.A.F.E.) program which teaches farmers to use environmentally responsible growing methods, ensures fair pay and working conditions, and improves local communities' infrastructure. They then were able to purchase equipment needed to implement better growing practices, purchase conservation easements around farms, and capital to expand. All this wasn't cheap: "To date, Starbucks has invested more than $70 million in its comprehensive approach to ethical sourcing," says Craig Russell, executive vice president of global coffee for Starbucks. 

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